Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 7

Day 7:
Weight: 140

Day off from working out.  I was hoping to go with Matt to yoga for my day off, but Topher is still sick.  Oh well, I guess I was literally take a day off.

Sunday is  our one day a week as a family.  It is wonderful knowing that we get every meal together on Sunday and that the meals are healthy.  There was a bad pattern we go into that made family day seem like a holiday or vacation (because it is so seldom) that we treat it with treats.  "Oh special day... let's go get Burgerville milkshakes", or Voodoo doughnuts, or whatever seems most decedent at the time.

Instead we went to OMSI and took the kids to their first movie, an IMAX movie "Deep Sea".  Glad it was only an hour because I think Jordan was getting a little restless.

Not much to report on the diet though.

Breakfast:  Usual (Scrambled eggs, Kashi go lean cereal)
Snack:  Yogurt, blueberries, oats
Lunch:  Salad with asparagus and bacon
Dinner:  Grilled chicken, wild rice, artichoke

Late night snack with friend Kate:  Carrots, cucumbers, apples (and my first little cheat... red wine).  What can I say, a friend invites me over and pours me a glass of wine as we catch up, I can't resist.  It was wonderful.

1 comment:

Kate said...

It was fun to catch up with you too.