Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 5

Weight: 140

So late when I have to get up early, but I want to make sure I get this out.  Another day survived at New Seasons with free food calling me in all directions.  Bread being the main one.  I've notice how many times a day I would walk by free bread from the bakery, grab a chunk, and eat it.  Crazy what you don't even notice, but finally take notice one you break a habit.  I don't think any of my sentences tonight are making sense.

I am running on 4 1/2 hours sleep (I did go and workout last night once Matt got home - hooray for me for my discipline!) but now I am paying for it.

I'll keep this one simple.

Breakfast: Vegetable 2 egg omelet
Lunch:  Salad with bacon, tomatoes, cheese, avocado, olive oil, and baslamic.  Kiwi, and a chunk of whole wheat bread (about the size of a roll)
Snack:  blueberries, yogurt, oats, 1 slice bread with peanut butter, honey,
Dinner:  Vegetable frittata, 1 1/2 wheat pancakes with fruit and yogurt

I am pretty sure I went over my calories today... but I don't know how much.  Damn!  Breakfast for dinner is just so good.  No excuses!  Hopefully not too bad on the calories.  But my stomach is feeling it.  Gas, gas, gas... yet unable to fart (excuse my bluntness on a blog... I do that).  I think it was the wheat.  At least I made up for lack of veggies in my diet from yesterday!

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