Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 3/4

Day 3:
Weight: 142

Yesterday started with Topher sleeping in unusually late, which would seem like heaven except for the fact that I have a 3 year old saying, "Mom!  Mom!  I'm hungry!  Mom!  Open your eyes!  Mom!"  you get the picture.

In order for me to run before work I have to be out the door by 9am.  At 8:30am Topher was still sound asleep.  Tempting to stay inside and play with the kids.  But... day 3, can't back down already.  I woke him up!  Fed him on the run (thank God he started being able to hold the bottle himself).

It was my day to take off from weights, so it was refreshing knowing that once I was done, I'd feel better and I would be done for the day!  4 miles

Breakfast:  2 scrambled eggs, museli (found out later they have TONS OF CALORIES!!! and threw off my whole day), 1/2 cup milk
Lunch:  Another chicken wrap, 1/2 carrot
Snack:  Kiwi, blueberries, yogurt, oats
Dinner:  Shrimp and broccoli whole wheat pasta

Day 4:
Weight: Forgot
Didn't start out great.  I woke up late so I didn't have time to pack a good lunch, so I grabbed leftovers from the night before (500 calories!) and almonds/raisins.  500 calories is a lot when I am trying to stick to 1500.  Especially with it being my lunch.  What on Earth will I have for dinner that will not be so many calories?  Carrots and bean dip?

I was hoping to go workout at the gym when I got home from work at 3:30pm, but Topher is now sick, so I can't take him.  Matt has his academy and won't be back until 10:30pm, maybe 11pm.  So... I can't believe I am going to do this, but I will hopefully sleep and then when he gets home, I will go to the gym (even though I have to get up at 5am for work).  Am I totally nuts?  Am I really addicted to working out?

I am driven by vain purposes.  I want to have the hot body.  I want to find the perfect swim suit that when I walk down the beach I have a sub-conscience strut that says, "Oh yeah... look at me... I had two kids... uh huh, uh huh, uh huh... booya!"

Breakfast:  Scrambled eggs, Kashi Go-Lean cereal
Lunch:  Leftover pasta
Snack:  Nuts/raisins, whole grain toast with peanut butter, honey, and banana
Dinner:  Scrambled eggs, 1/2 avacado, 1/2 cup yogurt

Wow... little vegetables.  I'll need to work on that tomorrow

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