Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2

Weight: 142

Today was the first day at work, which is the most tempting place of all with free samples at the Solutions counter and day old pastries in the breakroom.  I did triumph over them!  It is easier having Matt do this with me, writing it down where people can see this (although I don't think anyone is actually reading it), and for the athlete in me that wants to be in the best physical condition ever!

Breakfast:  2 scrambled eggs, Kashi Go Lean cereal
Lunch: chicken wrap and green beans
Snack: Blueberries, oats, greek yogurt, and a plum
Dinner:  Taco salad

Workout:  Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut" workout day two and 30 minutes cardio (machine unfortunately).

Several times today I thought about all the things I want to eat when this is over.  I can tell that I will loose weight, but possibly gain it back quickly if I give into every indulgence.  My mom just told me the wonderful, awful, decadent, sinful, refreshing, horrible chocolate thin mint cookies are in her freezer waiting for me.  AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Love you mom!

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm reading it. Good job Jamie.