Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We're Getting Old

I know many of you reading this are shaking your heads, assuming that we know nothing about getting older, but I have to say...I'm feelin' it.

For three, going on four weeks now, Matt and I have both been experiencing knee problems. Problems that has effected what we love to do - running and basketball. I have run maybe three times in three weeks (very rare - I usually run about 4-6 days a week). Matt hasn't played in three weeks (usually at least plays about twice a week). We are getting grouchy. Adjustments in our lifestyle have changed, for instance, when we lift weights, we have avoided leg excersizes or anything that involves us bending our knees. We have tried to make sure not to lock our legs and other various things that may help alleviate the pain. Nothing has worked. It doesn't help that our jobs require us to be on our feet for 8 hours at a time.

It isn't just the knees, although it is probably the most frustrating of the whole "getting old" aspect. I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. We both wake up sore. And we can no longer workout without getting in a good stretch afterwards. I remember back in the day when I was young when I could finish a cross-country race and not even stretch and still feel good the next morning.

This year, we both turned 25. What did I do with my birthday money this year? Well, I decided to invest in anti-aging cream! That's right - I am trying to prevent wrinkles. All those year of sitting in the sun with no sunscreen has caught up to me. Speaking of which, when I went to Mexico in March, I put on sunscreen everyday (except for the first because it was cloudy - and yes...I still got burnt), not the point. I put it on sometimes even twice a day! That is unheard of for me!

Does anyone have any good remedies for a bad knee(s)? I am sick of this. It is a great time of year to be running and I've got nothing to offer. I was hoping to start competing again. If you are the praying type, please pray for us that our knees will be healed so that we can get back to what we love.


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