Monday, May 19, 2008

Great News!

God is so good! Today, Matt went to play basketball and his knee didn't hurt!!! Of course I was a little jealous, but thought, "My knee will get better, I just need to be patient". Later this evening I went for a run and I couldn't feel a thing! Even my lungs didn't bother me and I haven't run in 2 weeks!!!

Thank you to all of you who prayed for us. This injury was greatly affecting (or is it effecting?) our lives and now we were able to get out and do what we love!

Last night, for the first time at the Sunday night group, we all prayed together. It was incredible. Maybe mostly because I was nervous praying with others, but last night felt natural. I'd been praying all week for God to prepare my heart to pray as a community, and during our discussion before prayer He helped me realize that so many of us pray in different ways, about different things and people, and when we all come together, do I say this...we are complete. The group fills gaps that I lack in my prayer life and vice versa.

My point being, that I have been praying for Matt's and my knee for over a month now, and today we felt NOTHING! God is fabulous! Prayer is fabulous! And all of you are fabulous! Thanks again for all of those praying for us. I can't speak for Matt, but I assume that basketball to him is like running for clears my head, helps me to unwind, keeps me in shape, gives me fresh air, and I am just so damn addicted to it!


Ramón said...

Amen, sister. I'm rejoicing with you!

Unknown said...

It's very encouraging to hear that God is answering prayers! Last Sunday was great, too.

Jessica Jordan said...

Yep, God is so faithful. Hope your Jordan is doing great. Our littlest Jordan is fabulous. We will have to BBQ with you guys once the sun is out (um ... and WHEN will that be???) Miss ya (time just flies, doesn't it). ~ Jessica